Baby by Smallnest - Track Breastfeeding, Sleep and Diapers App Reviews

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Really useful

I love the share feature which allows me to email to myself and print for pediatrician visits. Love being able to keep track of sleep and feeding from last time and how long its been since each activity started. Update 10/2014: this app used to be great because it WORKED. Now, second baby, it cant save an entry to save its life! Beyond ridiculous. Everything is an error! Such a shame because this was my favorite baby app when it worked. Support does not respond.


If this application actually worked it would be the best infant tracking app. available. As soon as you get a weeks worth of information stored it starts glitch like crazy. You cant enter anything, sometimes you cant even get the app. to open. So disappointing!

Where did the ads come from? And what happened to synching?

Perhaps it was with the last update but now my paid version has ads and it has a hard time synching to the server. It used to be the best app out there. Now with all of the synching issues, its useless!

Love this app!

It makes keeping track of diapers (poopy and/or peed) and feedings (nursing, bottle, or pumping) a breeze! It even tracks how long the baby has been sleeping or playing. I dont know how I got along without it for my first 2 children!!!!


Please release update. Not working correct for iOS 8!!!!!

Great app but keeps crashing

I love this app, its been so helpful to keep track of all our babies needs. Its really intuitive and the ability to track any activity is great. That said it keeps crashing on my phone or giving me an error message. I hope whatever the bug is is fixed soon because I dont want to have to find a new app.

Good function, could use work on form

Ive been using this app for the last 10 days religiously to track my new babys feedings and diapers. I paid the $4.99 for a month of timeline summary. The app is generally easy to use and works great; however, from time to time I get sync errors and my data wont save and I need to keep trying to log the information. For diapers, no big deal. But for a new nursing mother, the accuracy of how long my son is latched is of great importance to me -- so this is an inconvenience. I love that it syncs to my husbands phone do he can log the diapers he changes and the amount of expressed breast milk our son consumes from a bottle. And, he can look at the timeline summary whenever he desires to see what were up to at any given day. All in all, I would recommend this app to others. A Note to the Developers: it would be very helpful if the pause buttons were larger, a daily count of feedings and diaper changes in a standard 24 hour period (midnight to 11:59pm) were available, the sync issue were resolved (I always have an internet connection, so thats not the problem), Tummy Time was an option under "More" and perhaps I way to cluster feedings and allow the user to change breasts and record the change mid-stream. Also, a timer and alarm function for those mommies that feed on a specific schedule.


This app is great for new moms! Would have given it 5 stars but from time to time it freezes.

Fix the BUG

Keep getting glitches. Error messages. I dont know if I should delete it and then download it again because then all of my data will be gone. Please please fix the errors. I love the app its helpful and cute.

Was good...

I used this app religiously and LOVED it. After a few days I kept getting an error that was rather frustrating. Stopped using it. If the bugs can be fixed it would be a great app. Other than that dont waste your time.

Doesnt save data - could be way better

This app is so frustrating!! It has great user interface & is quick & easy, but it wont save info too often, giving me an error. Support does not respond at all. I downloaded other apps to try instead but their tracking isnt as easy as SmallNests....however its glitches are not worth the trade off. As a new mom I dont want to re-enter data at 3 am bc it wont save the first time. I wish you could start a feeding then pause and begin again, rather than just start/stop each feeding. But I have no faith in this company to make it any better.

Great app

I have been using this app for 5 weeks now. Perfect for tracking diapers, sleep, feedings/pumping. I havent had any issues with it until recently when it started crashing. Time for an update please! Last one was in April !

Pretty good, but...

Its a pretty good app, but definitely needs improvement. There should be the option to erase some errors. And come up with an iPad version.

Degrading Quality

I like the form and ease of input for this app. Its more than a bit frustrating that if the app cant connect with my mediocre wifi, it wont record. Getting info back out isnt to bad since I made a habit of e-mailing myself at every 3 a.m. feeding. I get a table that I copy paste into an Excel sheet so I can track my baby obsessively. I dont mind banner ads on a free app. Recently Smallnest has been inserting disruptive video commercials that sometimes turn my podcasts silent. I wouldnt mind static billboard type ads that wouldnt wreak so much havoc on my hiccuppy wifi.


Summary is terrible. Does not provide summary count if feedings, pees, poos per day which is what is needed. And thy charge $4.99 for a month worth of data - I wish I could get my money back. You have to pay before you even know what the summary looks like. Rip off. And they want to charge $20 a year! I am looking for something else. In the meantime pen and paper are working. Also they started showing video ads which are really disturbing bc i accidentally hit them and they start blasting sound and music. anyone who uses this when you are with your baby - when feeding them, trying to get them to go to sleep - will be super frustrated bc it will startle the baby and wake them up which is what you want to avoid at all costs. the ads are at the bottom and its really hard not to accidentally click on these. please remove the video ads - this is not the place for these types of advertising!

Mixed Feelings

This app has all the features (feeding, sleeping, diapers) I want for an app. I do not like that I cant review data more than 3 days old.


Crashes all the time.

Frustrating and not recommended.

This app can be helpful but the constant ads are tiresome. Also, the timeline function that they offer is a waste of money. I paid to view my history but it only displayed a portion of it which wasnt helpful. Their customer service was not helpful (almost unresponsive) and didnt refund my money. Plus, the user experience of the timeline is terrible. Hard to read. In short, Id recommend a different app than this one.

Revised: Too many problems for the high cost

INITIAL REVIEW: Mostly meets my needs. The best looking of all the nursing tracker apps Ive tried. I like that you can either use a timer or input the time. Agreed with another reviewer that tummy time would be a useful preprogrammed category. It would also be useful if the current time showed at the top like it does on the iPhone, Ive been frustrated many times at having to get out of the app to know what time it is. It also is unfortunate you have to pay so much to get the overview/timelines; I dont need those but if I did, I dont think this app would be for me. UPDATE: Im getting a LOT of sync errors and frequently it wont save the data Im trying to enter. Really annoying and inconvenient when trying to deal with an infant. Im finding it more frustrating that the current time isnt displayed while in the app. Id buy the subscription if it were either a lot cheaper or if there werent all these problems/ways it is lacking. I otherwise really like the layout and design, so its a bummer that these few things arent working for me.


I use it because there doesnt seem to be a better app out there to help me keep track of feedings. It freezes all the time which annoys me, but it works for what I need.

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